Default Parameters

There are a number of default values automatically loaded if they are not specified by the user. These may be altered by provided a dictionary to the "parameters" dictionary containing the following variables.


Default Grid Values

PropertyDefault ValueUnitDescription
phase3number of phases*
v_rms230.0Vglobal nominal voltage root mean square reference
f_grid50.0Hzglobal nominal frequency reference
ramp_end2/f_gridsThe time interval for the sources to ramp up their set-points
process_start2/f_gridsThe point in time where changes to reference real and imaginary powers take effect, i.e. when sources in PQ or VSG mode accept "pset" and "qset"
Δfmax0.5%The drop (increase) in source frequency that causes a 100% increase (decrease) in real power (from rated) - determines frequency droop coefficients
ΔEmax5%The drop (increase) in voltage over the capacitor nearest to a source that causes a 100% increase (decrease) in imaginary power (from rated) - determines voltage droop coefficients


*Only 3 phase systems are currently supported for sources that are classically controlled.


Default Source Values

PropertyDefault ValueUnitDescription
pwrVArrated apparent power
control_type"classic"The inner control structure. Either PI control ("classic") or Reinforment Learning ("RL")
mode"Synchronverter"The higher level control functions.
p_set0.0Wreal power set point
q_set0.0VAiimaginary power set point
vpuset1.0per unitnominal voltage set point
fltr"LCL""L", "LC", or "LCL"The topology of the inverter's filter
pf0.8power factor
Dp*N⋅m⋅s/radfrequency droop coefficient
Dq*VAi/Vvoltage droop coefficient
I_kp*V/Acurrent proportional gain
I_ki*V/A⋅scurrent integral gain
V_kp*A/Vvoltage proportional gain
V_ki*A/V⋅svoltage integral gain
vδset0.0degreesreference angle for "Swing" mode
τv0.002stime constant of the voltage loop
τf0.002stime constant of the frequency loop
Observerfalsetrue, or falseactivate the discrete Luenberger observer (i.e. estimator) for sources with LCL filters
γp_setWstochastic process asymptotic mean
std_asypwr / 8Wstochastic process asymptotic standard deviation
X₀p_setWstochastic process initial starting values
σ0.0Wbrownian motion scale i.e. ∝ diffusion, volatility parameter
Δt1/f_gridsstochastic process time step
k00,1, or 2stochastic process interpolation degree


*These values are automatically calculated from others.