Source code for gym_electric_motor.core

On the core level the electric motor environment and the interface to its submodules are defined. By using these
interfaces further reference generators, reward functions, visualizations or physical models can be implemented.

Each ElectricMotorEnvironment contains the five following modules:

* PhysicalSystem
    - Specification and simulation of the physical model. Furthermore, specifies limits and nominal values\
    for all of its ``state_variables``.
* ReferenceGenerator
    - Calculation of reference trajectories for one or more states of the physical systems ``state_variables``.
* ConstraintMonitor
    - Observation of the PhysicalSystems state to comply to a set of user defined constraints.
* RewardFunction
    - Calculation of the reward based on the physical systems state and the reference.\
* ElectricMotorVisualization
    - Visualization of the PhysicalSystems state, reference and reward for the user.


import datetime
import os
from dataclasses import dataclass

import gymnasium
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot
import numpy as np
from gymnasium.spaces import Box
from matplotlib.figure import Figure

import gym_electric_motor as gem

from .constraints import Constraint, LimitConstraint

[docs]@dataclass class Workspace: test = []
[docs]@dataclass class SimulationEnvironment: tau: float = 0.0 # Simulation interval step: int = 0 # Current simulation step # Current simulation time @property def t(self) -> float: return self.tau * self.step
[docs]class ElectricMotorEnvironment(gymnasium.core.Env): """ Description: The main class connecting all modules of the gym-electric-motor environments. Modules: Physical System: Containing the physical structure and simulation of the drive system as well as information about the technical limits and nominal values. Needs to be a subclass of *PhysicalSystem* Reference Generator: Generation of the reference for the motor to follow. Needs to be a subclass of *ReferenceGenerator* Reward Function: Calculation of the reward based on the state of the physical system and the generated reference and observation if the motor state is within the limits. Needs to be a subclass of *RewardFunction*. Visualization: Visualization of the motors states. Needs to be a subclass of *ElectricMotorVisualization* Limits: Returns a list of limits of all states in the observation (called in state_filter) in the same order. State Variables: Each environment has got a list of state variables that are defined by the physical system. These define the names and order for all further state arrays in the modules. These states are announced to the other modules by announcing the physical system to them, which contains the property ``state_names``. Example: ``['omega', 'torque','i', 'u', 'u_sup']`` Observation: Type: Tuple(State_Space, Reference_Space) The observation is always a tuple of the State Space of the Physical System and the Reference Space of the Reference Generator. In all current Physical Systems and Reference Generators these Spaces are normalized, continuous, multidimensional boxes in [-1, 1] or [0, 1]. Actions: Type: Discrete() / Box() The action space of the environments are the action spaces of the physical systems. In all current physical systems the action spaces are specified by its PowerElectronicConverter and either a continuous, multidimensional box or discrete. Reward: The reward and the reward range are specified by the RewardFunction. In general the reward is higher the closer the motor state follows the reference trajectories. Starting State: The physical system and the reference generator define the starting state. Episode Termination: Episode terminations can be initiated by the reference generator, or the reward function. A reference generator might terminate an episode, if the reference has ended. The reward function can terminate an episode, if a physical limit of the motor has been violated. """ sim = SimulationEnvironment() workspace = Workspace() env_id = None current_state = None current_reference = None current_next_reference = None @property def physical_system(self): """ Returns: PhysicalSystem: The Physical System of the Environment """ return self._physical_system @property def reference_generator(self): """ Returns: ReferenceGenerator: The ReferenceGenerator of the Environment """ return self._reference_generator @reference_generator.setter def reference_generator(self, reference_generator): """ Setting of a new reference generator for the environment. Afterwards, a reset is required. Args: reference_generator(ReferenceGenerator): The new reference generator of the environment. """ self._reference_generator = reference_generator self._terminated = True @property def reward_function(self): """ Returns: RewardFunction: The RewardFunction of the environment """ return self._reward_function @reward_function.setter def reward_function(self, reward_function): """ Setting of a new reward function for the environment. Afterwards, a reset is required. Args: reward_function(RewardFunction): The new reward function of the environment. """ self._reward_function = reward_function self._terminated = True @property def constraint_monitor(self): """Returns(ConstraintMonitor): The ConstraintMonitor of the environment.""" return self._constraint_monitor @property def limits(self): """ Returns a list of limits of all states in the observation (called in state_filter) in the same order """ return self._physical_system.limits[self.state_filter] @property def state_names(self): """ Returns a list of state names of all states in the observation (called in state_filter) in the same order """ return [self._physical_system.state_names[s] for s in self.state_filter] @property def reference_names(self): """Returns a list of state names of all states in the observation (called in state_filter) in the same order""" return self._reference_generator.reference_names @property def nominal_state(self): """Returns a list of nominal values of all states in the observation (called in state_filter) in that order""" return self._physical_system.nominal_state[self.state_filter] @property def visualizations(self): """Returns a list of all active motor visualizations.""" return self._visualizations def __init__( self, physical_system, reference_generator, reward_function, visualization=(), state_filter=None, callbacks=(), constraints=(), physical_system_wrappers=(), scale_plots=False, **kwargs, ): """ Setting and initialization of all environments' modules. Args: physical_system(PhysicalSystem): The physical system of this environment. reference_generator(ReferenceGenerator): The reference generator of this environment. reward_function(RewardFunction): The reward function of this environment. visualization(ElectricMotorVisualization): The visualization of this environment. constraints(list(Constraint/str/callable) / ConstraintMonitor): A list of constraints or an already initialized ConstraintMonitor object can be passed here. - list(Constraint/str/callable): Pass a list with initialized Constraints and/or state names. Then, a ConstraintMonitor object with the Constraints and additional LimitConstraints on the passed names is created. Furthermore, the string 'all' inside the list will create a ConstraintMonitor that observes the limit on each state. - ConstraintMonitor: Pass an initialized ConstraintMonitor object that will be used directly as ConstraintMonitor in the environment. visualization(iterable(ElectricMotorVisualization)/None): The visualizations of this environment. state_filter(list(str)): Selection of states that are shown in the observation. physical_system_wrappers(iterable(PhysicalSystemWrapper)): PhysicalSystemWrapper instances to be wrapped around the physical system. callbacks(list(Callback)): Callbacks being called in the environment **kwargs: Arguments to be passed to the modules. """ self.sim.tau = physical_system.tau # TODO physical_system etc should be initialized by the caller self._physical_system = physical_system(**kwargs) if isinstance(physical_system, type) else physical_system self._reference_generator = ( reference_generator(**kwargs) if isinstance(reference_generator, type) else reference_generator ) self._reward_function = reward_function(**kwargs) if isinstance(reward_function, type) else reward_function if isinstance(visualization, str) or isinstance(visualization, ElectricMotorVisualization): visualization = [visualization] if visualization is None: visualization = [] visualizations = list(visualization) self._visualizations = [] for visu in visualizations: if isinstance(visu, str): raise Exception if isinstance(visu, type): visu = visu(**kwargs) self._visualizations.append(visu) if isinstance(constraints, ConstraintMonitor): cm = constraints else: limit_constraints = [constraint for constraint in constraints if isinstance(constraint, str)] additional_constraints = [constraint for constraint in constraints if isinstance(constraint, Constraint)] cm = ConstraintMonitor(limit_constraints, additional_constraints) self._constraint_monitor = cm # Announcement of the modules among each other for physical_system_wrapper in physical_system_wrappers: self._physical_system = physical_system_wrapper.set_physical_system(self._physical_system) self._reference_generator.set_modules(self._physical_system) self._constraint_monitor.set_modules(self._physical_system) self._reward_function.set_modules(self._physical_system, self._reference_generator, self._constraint_monitor) # Initialization of the state filter and the spaces state_filter = state_filter or self._physical_system.state_names self.state_filter = [self._physical_system.state_names.index(s) for s in state_filter] states_low = self._physical_system.state_space.low[self.state_filter] states_high = self._physical_system.state_space.high[self.state_filter] state_space = Box(states_low, states_high, dtype=np.float64) self.observation_space = gymnasium.spaces.Tuple((state_space, self._reference_generator.reference_space)) self.action_space = self.physical_system.action_space self.reward_range = self._reward_function.reward_range # new API splits done into two attributes self._terminated = True self._truncated = False self.scale_plots = scale_plots self._callbacks = list(callbacks) self._callbacks += list(self._visualizations) self._call_callbacks("set_env", self) def make(env_id, *args, **kwargs): return gymnasium.make(env_id, *args, **kwargs) def _call_callbacks(self, func_name, *args): """Calls each callback's func_name function with *args""" for callback in self._callbacks: func = getattr(callback, func_name) func(*args)
[docs] def reset(self, seed=None, options=None, *_, **__): """ Reset of the environment and all its modules to an initial state. Returns: The initial observation consisting of the initial state and initial reference. info(dict): Auxiliary information (optional) """ self._seed(seed) self._call_callbacks("on_reset_begin") self._terminated = False state = self._physical_system.reset() reference, next_ref, _ = self.reference_generator.reset(state) self._reward_function.reset(state, reference) self._call_callbacks("on_reset_end", state, reference) observation = (state[self.state_filter], next_ref) info = {} return observation, info
[docs] def render(self, *_, **__): """ Update the visualization of the motor. """ for visualization in self._visualizations: visualization.render()
[docs] def step(self, action): """Perform one simulation step of the environment with an action of the action space. Args: action: Action to play on the environment. Returns: observation(Tuple(ndarray(float),ndarray(float)): Tuple of the new state and the next reference. reward(float): Amount of reward received for the last step. terminated(bool): Flag, indicating if a reset is required before new steps can be taken. info(dict): Auxiliary information (optional) """ assert not self._terminated, "A reset is required before the environment can perform further steps" self._call_callbacks("on_step_begin", self.physical_system.k, action) state = self._physical_system.simulate(action) self.current_state = state reference = self.reference_generator.get_reference(state) violation_degree = self._constraint_monitor.check_constraints(state) reward = self._reward_function.reward(state, reference, self._physical_system.k, action, violation_degree) self._terminated = violation_degree >= 1.0 ref_next = self.reference_generator.get_reference_observation(state) self.current_observation = (state, ref_next) self._call_callbacks( "on_step_end", self.physical_system.k, state, reference, reward, self._terminated, ) info = {} return ( (state[self.state_filter], ref_next), reward, self._terminated, self._truncated, info, )
def _seed(self, seed=None): sg = np.random.SeedSequence(seed) components = [ self._physical_system, self._reference_generator, self._reward_function, self._constraint_monitor, ] + list(self._callbacks) sub_sg = sg.spawn(len(components)) for sub, rc in zip(sub_sg, components): if isinstance(rc, gem.RandomComponent): rc.seed(sub) return [sg.entropy]
[docs] def close(self): """Called when the environment is deleted. Closes all its modules.""" self._call_callbacks("on_close") self._reward_function.close() self._physical_system.close() self._reference_generator.close()
[docs]class ReferenceGenerator: """The abstract base class for reference generators in gym electric motor environments. reference_space: Space of reference observations as defined in the Farama Gymnasium Toolbox. The reference generator is called twice per step. Call of get_reference(): Returns the reference array which has the same shape as the state array and contains values for currently referenced state variables and a default value (e.g zero) for non-referenced variables. This reference array is used to calculate rewards. Example: ``reference_array=np.array([0.8, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])`` \n ``state_variables=['omega', 'torque', 'i', 'u', 'u_sup']`` \n Here, the state consists of five quantities but only ``'omega'`` is referenced during control. Call of get_reference_observation(): Returns the reference observation, which is shown to the agent. Any shape and content is generally valid, however, values must be within the declared reference space. For example, the reference observation may contain future reference values of the next ``n`` steps. Example: ``reference_observation = np.array([0.8, 0.6, 0.4])`` \n This reference observation may be valid for an omega-controlled environment that shows the agent not only the reference for the next time step omega_(t+1)=0.8 but also omega_(t+2)=0.6 and omega_(t+3)=0.4. """ def __init__(self): self.reference_space = None self._physical_system = None self._referenced_states = None self._reference_names = None @property def referenced_states(self): """ Returns: ndarray(bool): Boolean-Array with the length of the state_variables indicating which states are referenced. """ return self._referenced_states @property def reference_names(self): """ Returns: reference_names(list(str)): A list containing all names of the referenced states in the reference observation. """ return self._reference_names
[docs] def set_modules(self, physical_system): """Announcement of the PhysicalSystem to the ReferenceGenerator. In subclasses, store all important information from the physical system to the ReferenceGenerator here. The environment announces the physical system to the ReferenceGenerator during its initialization. Args: physical_system(PhysicalSystem): The physical system of the environment. """ self._physical_system = physical_system
[docs] def get_reference(self, state, *_, **__): """Returns the reference array of the current time step. The reference array needs to be in the same shape as the state variables. For referenced states the reference value is passed. For unreferenced states a default value (e.g. Zero) can be set in the reference array. Args: state(ndarray(float)): Current state array of the environment. Returns: ndarray(float)): Current reference array. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_reference_observation(self, state, *_, **__): """ Returns the reference observation for the next time step. This observation needs to fit in the reference space. Args: state(ndarray(float)): Current state array of the environment. Returns: value in reference_space: Observation for the next reference time step. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def reset(self, initial_state=None, initial_reference=None): """ Reset of references for a new episode. Args: initial_state(ndarray(float)): The initial state array of the environment. initial_reference(ndarray(float)): If not None: A desired initial reference array. Returns: reference_array(ndarray(float)): The reference array at time step 0. reference_observation(value in reference_space): The reference observation for the next time step. \\ trajectories(dict(list(float)): If available, \ generated trajectories for the Visualization can be passed here. Otherwise return None. \ """ return ( self.get_reference(initial_state), self.get_reference_observation(initial_state), None, )
[docs] def close(self): """Called by the environment, when the environment is deleted to close files, store logs, etc.""" pass
[docs]class RewardFunction: """ The abstract base class for reward functions in gym electric motor environments. The reward function is called once per step and returns reward for the current time step. Attributes: reward_range(Tuple(float, float)):Defining lowest and highest possible rewards. """ #: Tuple(int,int): Lower and upper possible reward reward_range = (-np.inf, np.inf) def __call__(self, state, reference, k, action, violation_degree): """Call of the reward calculation. Args: state(numpy.ndarray(float)): State array of the environment. reference(numpy.ndarray(float)): Reference array of the environment. k(int): Systems momentary time-step action(element of action-space): The taken action :a_{k-1}: at the beginning of the step. violation_degree(float in [0.0, 1.0]): Degree of violation of the constraints. 0.0 indicates that all constraints are complied. 1.0 indicates that the constraints have been so much violated, that a reset is necessary. Returns: float: The reward for the state, reference pair """ return self.reward(state, reference, k, action, violation_degree)
[docs] def set_modules(self, physical_system, reference_generator, constraint_monitor): """ Setting of the physical system, to set state arrays fitting to the environments states Args: physical_system(PhysicalSystem): The physical system of the environment reference_generator(ReferenceGenerator): The reference generator of the environment. constraint_monitor(ConstraintMonitor): The constraint monitor of the environment. """ pass
[docs] def reward(self, state, reference, k=None, action=None, violation_degree=0.0): """ Reward calculation. If limits have been violated the reward is calculated with a separate function. Args: state(ndarray(float)): Environments state array. reference(ndarray(float)): Environments reference array. k(int): Systems momentary time-step action(element of action space): The previously taken action. violation_degree(float in [0.0, 1.0]): Degree of violation of the constraints. 0.0 indicates that all constraints are complied. 1.0 indicates that the constraints have been so much violated, that a reset is necessary. Returns: float: Reward for this state, reference, action tuple. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def reset(self, initial_state=None, initial_reference=None): """This function is called by the environment when reset. Inner states of the reward function can be reset here, if necessary. Args: initial_state(ndarray(float)): Initial state array of the Environment initial_reference(ndarray(float)): Initial reference array of the environment. """ pass
[docs] def close(self): """Called, when the environment is closed to store logs, close files etc.""" pass
[docs]@dataclass class PhysicalSystem: """The Physical System module encapsulates the physical model of the system as well as the simulation from one step to the next.""" @property def tau(self): return self._tau @property def unwrapped(self): """Returns this instance of the physical system. If the system is wrapped into multiple PhysicalSystemWrappers this property returns directly the innermost system. """ return self @property def k(self): """ Returns: int: The current systems time step k. """ return self._k @property def state_names(self): """ Returns: ndarray(str): Array containing the names of the systems states. """ return self._state_names @property def state_positions(self): """ Returns: dict(int): Dictionary mapping the state names to its positions in the state arrays """ return self._state_positions @property def action_space(self): """ Returns: gymnasium.Space: An Farama Gymnasium Space that describes the possible actions on the system. """ return self._action_space @property def state_space(self): """ Returns: gymnasium.Space: An Farama Gymnasium Space that describes the possible states of the system. """ return self._state_space @property def limits(self): """ Returns: ndarray(float): An array containing the maximum allowed physical values for each state variable. """ return NotImplementedError @property def nominal_state(self): """ Returns: ndarray(float): An array containing the nominal values for each state variable. """ return NotImplementedError def __init__(self, action_space, state_space, state_names, tau): """ Args: action_space(gymnasium.Space): The set of allowed actions on the system. state_space(gymnasium.Space): The set of possible systems states. state_names(ndarray(str)): The names of the systems states tau(float): The systems simulation time interval. """ self._action_space = action_space self._state_space = state_space self._state_names = state_names self._state_positions = {key: index for index, key in enumerate(self._state_names)} self._tau = tau self._k = 0
[docs] def reset(self, initial_state=None): """ Reset the physical system to an initial state before a new episode starts. Returns: element of state_space: The initial systems state """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def simulate(self, action): """ Simulation of the Physical System for one time step with the input action. This method is called in the environment in every step to update the systems state. Args: action(element of action_space): The action to play on the system for the next time step. Returns: element of state_space: The systems state after the action was applied. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def close(self): """ Called, when the environment is closed. Close the System and all of its submodules by closing files, saving logs etc. """ pass
[docs]class Callback: """The abstract base class for Callbacks in GEM. Each of its functions gets called at one point in the :mod:`~gym_electric_motor.core.ElectricMotorEnvironment`. Attributes: _env: The GEM environment. Use it to have full control over the environment on runtime. """ def __init__(self): self._env = None
[docs] def set_env(self, env): """Sets the environment of the motor.""" self._env = env
[docs] def on_reset_begin(self): """Gets called at the beginning of each reset""" pass
[docs] def on_reset_end(self, state, reference): """Gets called at the end of each reset""" pass
[docs] def on_step_begin(self, k, action): """Gets called at the beginning of each step""" pass
[docs] def on_step_end(self, k, state, reference, reward, terminated): """Gets called at the end of each step""" pass
[docs] def on_close(self): """Gets called at the beginning of a close""" pass
[docs]class ElectricMotorVisualization(Callback): """Base class for all visualizations in GEM. The visualization is basically only a Callback that is extended by a render() function to update the figure. With the function calls that are inherited by the Callback superclass (e.g. *on_step_end*), the data is passed from the environment to the visualization. In the render() function the passed data can be visualized in the desired way. """
[docs] def render(self): """Function to update the user interface.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class ConstraintMonitor: """The ConstraintMonitor is used within the ElectricMotorEnvironment to monitor the states for illegal / undesired values (e.g. overcurrents). It consists of a list of multiple independent constraints. Each constraint gets the current observation of the environment as input and returns a *violation degree* within :math:`[0.0, 1.0]`. All these are merged together and the ConstraintMonitor returns a total violation degree. **Soft Constraints:** To enable a higher flexibility, the constraints return a violation degree (float) instead of a simple violation flag (bool). So, even before the limits are violated, the reward function can take the limit violation degree into account. If the violation degree is at 0.0, no states are in a dangerous region. For values between 0.0 and 1.0 the reward will be decreased gradually so that the agent will learn to avoid these state regions. If the violation degree reaches 1.0 the episode is terminated. **Hard Constraints:** With the above concept, also hard constraints that directly terminate an episode without any "danger"-region can be modeled. Then, the violation degree of the constraint directly changes from 0.0 to 1.0, if a violation occurs. """ @property def constraints(self): """Returns the list of all constraints the ConstraintMonitor observes.""" return self._constraints def __init__(self, limit_constraints=(), additional_constraints=(), merge_violations="max"): """ Args: limit_constraints(list(str)/'all_states'): Shortcut parameter to pass all states that limits shall be observed. - list(str): Pass a list with state_names and all of the states will be observed to stay within their limits. - 'all_states': Shortcut for all states are observed to stay within the limits. additional_constraints(list(Constraint/callable)): Further constraints that shall be monitored. These have to be initialized first and passed to the ConstraintMonitor. Alternatively, constraints can be defined as a function that takes the current state and returns a float within [0.0, 1.0]. merge_violations('max'/'product'/callable(*violation_degrees) -> float): Function to merge all single violation degrees to a total violation degree. - 'max': Take the maximal violation degree as total violation degree. - 'product': Calculates the total violation degree as one minus the product of one minus all single violation degrees. - callable(*violation_degrees) -> float: User defined function to calculate the total violation. """ self._constraints = list(additional_constraints) if len(limit_constraints) > 0: self._constraints.append(LimitConstraint(limit_constraints)) assert all(callable(constraint) for constraint in self._constraints) assert merge_violations in ["max", "product"] or callable(merge_violations) if len(self._constraints) == 0: # Without any constraint, always return 0.0 as violation self._merge_violations = lambda *violation_degrees: 0.0 elif merge_violations == "max": self._merge_violations = max elif merge_violations == "product": def product_merge(*violation_degrees): return 1 -[(1 - violation) for violation in violation_degrees]) self._merge_violations = product_merge elif callable(merge_violations): self._merge_violations = merge_violations
[docs] def set_modules(self, ps: PhysicalSystem): """The PhysicalSystem of the environment is passed to save important parameters like the index of the states. Args: ps(PhysicalSystem): The PhysicalSystem of the environment. """ for constraint in self._constraints: if isinstance(constraint, Constraint): constraint.set_modules(ps)
[docs] def check_constraints(self, state: np.ndarray): """Function to check and merge all constraints. Args: state(ndarray(float)): The current environments state. Returns: float: The total violation degree in [0,1] """ violations = [constraint(state) for constraint in self._constraints] return self._merge_violations(violations)