Available Visualizations:
Visualization Base Class
- class gym_electric_motor.core.ElectricMotorVisualization[source]
Base class for all visualizations in GEM. The visualization is basically only a Callback that is extended by a render() function to update the figure. With the function calls that are inherited by the Callback superclass (e.g. on_step_end), the data is passed from the environment to the visualization. In the render() function the passed data can be visualized in the desired way.
- on_close()
Gets called at the beginning of a close
- on_reset_begin()
Gets called at the beginning of each reset
- on_reset_end(state, reference)
Gets called at the end of each reset
- on_step_begin(k, action)
Gets called at the beginning of each step
- on_step_end(k, state, reference, reward, terminated)
Gets called at the end of each step
- set_env(env)
Sets the environment of the motor.