Toolbox Installation and General Remarks¶
In the following, some installation hints and an introduction to the Python code written for the OMG toolbox is presented.
Installation and Requirements¶
This is the short installation guide for Windows and Linux. OpenModelica is hardly supported for Mac, they suggest to install in a Linux VM. For this reason, running OMG in a Linux VM is strongly recommended for Mac users!
It is recommended to install OMG via pip:
pip install openmodelica_microgrid_gym
Alternatively, you can clone the GitHub repository. A list of requirements is provided in the home-directory.
## created with pipreqs
Hint: If you are running a windows, PyFMI might throw some errors while installing via pip. It can be installed via conda by running:
conda install -c conda-forge pyfmi
Simulation Settings¶
Heart of the program structure is the creation of the environment via gym.make() in the main programm (in the folder example). Nearly every simulation setting can be done directly in here. Some of the most important ones are described in the following. For further information, see the API-documentation.
time_step: step size of the simulation in seconds. Too large timesteps may result in numerical issues, small timesteps result in a high simulation time. 1e-4 seems to be a good compromise as many real controllers operate in timesteps like this.
reward_fun: Callable - Reward function for the RL-algorithm. Minimal value of rewards is for example used as lower bound for the safe Bayseian algorithm (see Has to be adjusted problem-specific.
solver_method: Solver used for the ODE system. Every solver from scipy.integrate.solve_ivp can be selected. Though it is highly recommended to use the implicit ones. Default solver is the “LSODA” with its integrated stiffness detection. Non-stiff systems become solved with the faster “Adams” method, stiff systems with “BDF”.
model_params: Parameters for the simulation, which should be changed compared to the default values from the OpenModelica model. Also usable for loadsteps as replacement for switches.
Example which increases the resistors in the load after 0.2 seconds from 20 Ohm to 40 Ohm:
def f(t):
return 20 if t < .2 else 40
model_params={'rl.resistor1.R': f, 'rl.resistor.R': f, 'rl.resistor.R': f},
The function f
is passed as a callable (function reference).
The environment will evaluate this function in every timestep passing this timestep as parameter to the function
Setting of v_DC¶
The DC supply voltage v_DC can be set either directly in the OpenModelica model or via Python. The default value is 1000 V. It can be changed in the environment creation with the line:
model_params={'inverter1.v_DC': 700, 'inverter2.v_DC': 500},
It will be set for every of the three phases of the inverter. Take care to set the param for every inverter which should no have the default supply voltage of 1000 V.
Data Logging¶
To enable logging, the root logger needs to be initialized in the main function. To do so, call:
import numpy as np
if __name__ == '__main__':
ctrl = dict()
For further information about logging and the level see the logging standard library.