Functional Mock-up Unit (FMU)

What is FMI and FMU?

The Functional Mock-up Interface (FMI) is a free standard that defines a container and an interface to exchange dynamic models using a combination of XML files, binaries and C code zipped into a single file. The generated files for the exchange are called Functional Mock-up Units (FMU). The binaries are platform-specific, so a linux user can´t run a FMU which is created on a windows machine.

There are two versions of the FMI standard. The OMG toolbox uses FMI 2.0. Furthermore, there are two simulation types, co-simulation (CS) and model exchange (ME). Co-simulation has an included solver in the FMU, model exchange provides the possibility to use solvers in Python. Due to a lack of implicit solvers in CS, the OMG toolbox uses ME.

Create FMU´s

The best way to create a FMU for the OMG toolbox is to run the create_fmu.mos file in the folder “omg_grid” with the terminal. Make sure that OpenModelica is installed and your latest version of your OpenModelica package is in the same folder as this script.

By running the create_fmu.mos with the command omc, you can create a FMU of the model network in the Grids folder.

path\omg_grid> omc create_fmu.mos

Windows users might need to open the terminal out of OpenModelica by clicking ‘tools’ => ‘OpenModelica Command Prompt’ to make sure that the command omc gets recognized.

Creating FMUs of other models can be generated by changing omg_grid.Grids.Network in the last line of the create_fmu.mos to omg_grid.Grids.YourNetworksName.

OpenModelica.Scripting.loadFile(""); getErrorString();
setCommandLineOptions("-d=newInst"); getErrorString();
setCommandLineOptions("-d=initialization"); getErrorString();
setCommandLineOptions("--simCodeTarget=Cpp"); getErrorString();
setCommandLineOptions("-d=-disableDirectionalDerivatives"); getErrorString();
OpenModelica.Scripting.translateModelFMU(omg_grid.Grids.Network, version="2.0", fmuType = "me"); getErrorString();

The lines in between are setting flags for the FMU-creation. The target-language is C++ instead of the default C because of a missing implementation of directional derivatives in C, which are necessary for the solvers in python.

It is possible to create FMUs directly in OpenModelica (File -> Export -> FMU). Settings for this can be done in Tools -> Options -> Simulation (Target language and Translation Flags) and Tools -> Options -> FMU for the Version, type, name and path. This way is not recommended because of the possibility to miss flags like the initialization. Furthermore, problems with the providing of directional derivatives occurred during testing.

Merge FMUs

As mentioned above, FMUs only work on the operating system they are created on. Though, there is a possibility to combine previously generated FMUs to allow a usage on different platforms.

First, generate FMUs on different platforms from the same model. Then run the Python file Select the FMUs which should be combined and choose a target file (does not need to exist before). The script checks at several points if the FMUs were generated from the same version of the library (careful: small changes like parameter variation might not be detected) and if all FMUs contain binaries for different platforms.

Annotation for Windows: Sometimes, the script throws an error because in the temp-folder. The script still works and merges the fmu. The resulting file just needs to be renamed with an “.fmu” at the end and can directly be used.