ABC Transformation

class gem_controllers.stages.abc_transformation.AbcTransformation[source]

This class calculates the transformation from the dq-coordinate system to the abc-coordinatesystem for three-phase motors. Optionally, an advanced factor can be added to the angle to take the dead time of the inverter and the sampling time into account.

__call__(state, reference)[source]
  • state (np.array) – state of the environment

  • reference (np.array) – voltage reference values


reference values for the input voltages

Return type



Multiply the advance factor with the speed and the sampling time to calculate the advance angle

property advance_factor

Advance factor of the angle.

property tau

Sampling time of the system.

tune(env, env_id, **_)[source]

Tune the advance factor of the transformation.

  • env (ElectricMotorEnvironment) – The GEM-Environment that the controller shall be created for.

  • env_id (str) – The corresponding environment-id to specify the concrete environment.