EMF Feedforward Induction Motor

class gem_controllers.stages.emf_feedforward_ind.EMFFeedforwardInd[source]

This class extends the functions of the EMFFeedforward class to decouple the dq-components of the induction motor.

__call__(state, reference)[source]

Decouple the input voltages of an induction motor.

  • state (np.ndarray) – The state of the environment.

  • reference (np.ndarray) – The reference voltages.


decoupled reference voltages

Return type


tune(env, env_id, **_)[source]

Set all needed motor parameters for the decoupling.

  • env (ElectricMotorEnvironment) – The GEM-Environment that the controller shall be created for.

  • env_id (str) – The corresponding environment-id to specify the concrete environment.