Permanently Excited DC Motor Operation Point Selection

class gem_controllers.stages.operation_point_selection.permex_dc_ops.PermExDcOperationPointSelection[source]

This class computes the current operation point of a PermExDx Motor for a given torque reference value.


Calculate the maximum current for a given speed.

_select_operating_point(state, reference)[source]

Calculate the current refrence values.

  • state (np.ndarray) – The state of the environment.

  • reference (np.ndarray) – The reference of the state.


current reference values

Return type


property magnetic_flux

Permanent magnetic flux of the PermEx Dc motor

property omega_index

Index of the rotational speeda

property resistance

Ohmic resistance of the PermEx Dc motor

tune(env, env_id, current_safety_margin=0.2)[source]

Tune the operation point selcetion stage.

  • env (gym_electric_motor.ElectricMotorEnvironment) – The environment to be controlled.

  • env_id (str) – The id of the environment.

  • current_safety_margin (float) – Percentage of the current margin to the current limit.

property voltage_limit

Voltage limit of the the PermEx Dc motor