Squirrel Cage Induction Motor Operation Point Selection

class gem_controllers.stages.operation_point_selection.scim_ops.SCIMOperationPointSelection(max_modulation_level: float = 1.1547005383792517, modulation_damping: float = 1.2, psi_controller=<gem_controllers.stages.base_controllers.pi_controller.PIController object>)[source]

This class represents the operation point selection of the torque controller for the cascaded control of induction motors. The torque controller uses LUT to find an appropriate operating point for the flux and torque. The flux is limited by a modulation controller. A reference value for the i_sd current is then determined using the operating point of the flux and a PI controller. In addition, a reference for the i_sq current is calculated based on the current flux and the operating point of the torque.

  • max_modulation_level (float) – Maximum value for the modulation controller.

  • modulation_damping (float) – Damping of the gain of the modulation controller.

  • psi_controller (gc.stages.BaseController) – Flux controller for the i_d current.


Get the optimal flux for a given torque


Get the maximum torque for a given flux


Calculate the optimal flux for a given torque

_select_operating_point(state, reference)[source]

Calculate the current operation point for a given torque reference value.

  • state (np.ndarray) – The state of the environment.

  • reference (np.ndarray) – The reference of the state.


references for the current control stage

Return type



Calculate a lookup table with the maximum torque for a given flux.


Reset the SCIM operation point selection

tune(env: ElectricMotorEnvironment, env_id: str, current_safety_margin: float = 0.2)[source]

Tune the operation point selcetion stage.

  • env (gym_electric_motor.ElectricMotorEnvironment) – The environment to be controlled.

  • env_id (str) – The id of the environment.

  • current_safety_margin (float) – Percentage of the current margin to the current limit.